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Integer Priority Levels

Integer Priority Levels enables publishers to assign priority levels to line items in their waterfall independent of the Line Item Type. Line Item Type and Priority are now independent from each other.

How are Line Items Prioritized Using Integer Priority Levels?

  • You can now edit the Priority of a line item, which determines the order in which your line item is served
  • Priority ranges from 1 - 16, where 1 is the HIGHEST priority and 16 is the LOWEST

How are Line Item Types used now?

  • Line Item Type describes the demand source for a line item and no longer determines the priority of the individual line item - This is now determined by Integer Priority Levels
  • Line Items Types can now be used to group line items for reporting purposes

What are the default Integer Priority Levels for the different Line Item Types?

  • Guaranteed: Priority 6
  • Promotional: Priority 10
  • Non-guaranteed: Priority 12
  • Backfill: Priority 16

Again, the Line Item Type has no impact on the priority of these Line Items and can be changed at any time.

How do my previously created Line Item Types map to the new Integer Priority Levels?

  • Guaranteed Campaigns: High (4), Medium (6), Low (8)
  • Promotional (10)
  • Backfill Promotional (16)
  • MoPub Marketplace and Ad Networks (12)

After creating a new Line Item, the user can edit the Priority (1-16) but not the Line Item Type (i.e. Guaranteed, etc.). If two line items are at the same priority level, they compete based on eCPM. At the moment, the MoPub Marketplace and Ad Networks can only be set to Integer Priority Level 12. They cannot be set to any of the other Integer Priority Level.

How do you use Integer Priority Levels?

Priorities for Existing Line Items

  • After logging in, select Orders from the Nav Menu. Select any Order name to view the relevant line items as usual.
  • All existing line items will be automatically assigned Priority levels with the new 1-16 prioritization scale based on the mapping key above.

Create a new Line Item Type and Priority

  • Within an Order, select the ‘+ New Line Item’ button as usual. In the ‘Line Item Type’, select theappropriate type from the drop-down menu (i.e. Non-Guaranteed).
  • Once you select a Line Item Type, the Priority is set to the default value for that Line Item Type. Once, you have selected ‘Non-Guaranteed’, the Priority will automatically change to the default value for Non-Guaranteed line items, which is 12.
  • You can then change this Priority to any integer from 1 (highest) - 16 (lowest). For example, if you want this Non-Guaranteed campaign to run before Marketplace and Ad Networks, you can change the priority to 11.

Editing a Priority for an Existing Line Item

  • Within an Order, select the existing line item that you wish to edit. Next, on the line item page, select ‘Edit Line Item’ button as usual.
  • Note: After creating a new line item, you can edit the Priority (1-16) but not the Line Item Type (i.e. Guaranteed, etc.). Line Item Type is fixed once the line item has been created. This should only matter for Reporting when the user is grouping by a Line Item Type (i.e. Promotional).
  • Below, the priority for a line item was changed to Integer Priority Level 1, which means it will be first in the waterfall.


  • Reporting now enables you to break down your line items based on Priority. Under your account email, select Reports as usual then select ‘+ New Report’.
  • You can still run reports based on the Line Item Type and then breakdown the report further by Priority. Previously created reports will not be affected and should run as scheduled.
  • The example below shows an example of a new report broken down by Priority, the Line Item Type, and then specific line items.