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Creating Orders & Line Items※修正済み

An Order is a set of Line Items, usually created for an ad campaign. The Order targets one or more Ad Units to display creatives

After logging into app.mopub.com, go to your ‘Orders’ tab. Click on the ‘Add a New Order’ button at the top right.


Name your Order, drop in the Advertiser, and add a short description.

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Next, you will create your first Line Item for this Order. Each Order has one or more Line Items. A Line Item is a set of creatives and targeting parameters that runs with a specific budget.

For the Line Item, include the Line Item type & priority, start & stop time, delivery rate, budget and speed. Once the Line Item is created, the type will be locked, but the priority level can be changed.

Day Part Targeting enables you to limit when your campaign runs to specific times and days of the week. You can select up to two different time periods for each line item. Time periods are based on the user’s local time zone.

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Now you can select which apps and/or ad units you’d like this Line Item to target. You also have the option of completing this step later.

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Add location and device targeting to target users who might meet criteria for country, connectivity, and device.

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Finally, you can add criteria to fine-tune the users you wish to reach. You can target users who have or don’t have specific apps, set frequency caps, override the default refresh rate (link to Refresh Rate article), use keywords if your app is sending keywords with the ad request, or allocate the percentage of requests this line item will deliver. Screenshot 2014-05-07 15.25.59.png

You will then be directed to the Line Items page to upload a creative.

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If you want to create a Guaranteed Order you must do the following:

Select ‘Guaranteed’ as the Line Item Type.


  • Select the Integer Priority Level from a range of 1-16. All line items on the same priority level will prioritized by eCPM level. Learn more about Integer Priority Levels here.

  • Name your line item.

  • Indicate the start & stop time, delivery rate, budget, and speed.

  • Delivery rate can be set to a CPM or a CPC line item. If you set your line item to a CPM, you will be directed to drop in the US dollar CPM with a budget of impressions/day or total campaign impressions. If you set your line item to a CPC, you will be directed to drop in the US dollar CPC with a budget in US dollars/day or total US dollars.

  • Target the appropriate ad units and update ‘Advanced Options’ if necessary.

If you want to create a Promotional, Non-Guaranteed, or Backfill Order you must do the following:

Select ‘Promotional’, ‘Non-Guaranteed’ or ‘Backfill Order’ as the Line Item Type.

Screenshot 2014-05-07 15.37.14.png

  • Select the Integer Priority Level from a range of 1-16. All line items on the same priority level will prioritized by eCPM level. Learn more about Integer Priority Levels here.

  • Name your line item.

  • Drop in the start & stop time and delivery rate.

You can manage your Orders & Line Items directly from the Orders page.

  • Checking the box next to each of the Orders allows you to pause, resume, and archive.

  • The ‘Quick Jump’ selection allows you to quickly jump between different Orders and Line Items

  • Clicking on ‘Add a new order’ gives you the ability to create an entirely new Order

  • The Line Item tab shows all line items that are currently running across your Orders

  • The ‘Export’ button allows you to export a report of all of the current Orders.
